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How to Clean Your Diamond Ring

Cleaning your diamond ring is not a difficult job. In fact, you can regularly get it cleaned with a few supplies that you would already have in your home. Make sure that you use supplies and cleaners that are non abrasive and gentle. Here are a few methods of cleaning that you can make use of:

Soapy Water

You can make a mixture of water and soap by squirting dish soap into a warm water bowl. Make sure your dish soap is gentle and preferably make with ingredients that are natural. You can also make use of a gentle shampoo, body wash, or hand soap. Soaps with moisturizers, however, should not be used since they might leave a film on the ring.

After this, you may place the ring in the bowl for about 15 minutes and let the water and soap work its way in and around the ring. If you still witness dirt after the 15 minutes, you might have to clean it a little more. If not, you can simply rinse it with some water.

With a soft toothbrush, you can rub all the dirt gently off the ring and then rinse you ring with some cool water. Toothbrush bristles are great at reaching those difficult places to clean out dirt. If this is not working out, you can even make use of a toothpick to poke out dirt from the crevices. After you are done, let your ring dry and, with the help of a towel, dry it off completely.

How to Clean Your Diamond Ring 1Quick Dip

Purchase a quick dip that will be application for the diamond ring type that you own. These solutions help to clean jewelry quickly and there are different types of dips available, each with a chemical formula that might be suitable for each type of metal. Make sure that you get a dip that is specifically made for cleaning diamond rings.

Make sure you go through the instructions carefully before using the dip so that you do not damage your ring in any way. The, pour some dip in a bowl and place the ring in that bowl for the specified period. Once your remove the ring, you should let it dry on a soft and clean cloth.

How to Clean Your Diamond Ring 2Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

Ultrasonic cleaners are machines that are highly affordable and make jewelry cleaning very easy. Fill this cleaner with detergent and water and be sure to follow the instructions. Place the ring in this cleaner and then close it properly. After the recommended amount of time has passed, remove the ring. It only takes about one or two minutes for the machine to clean your ring therefore leaving your ring inside for a longer period of time is not recommended.

How to Clean Your Diamond Ring 3These are a few great ways of cleaning your precious diamond ring. If you are aware of more ways to clean a diamond ring why not share them with us? We would be more than happy to hear your recommendations.

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Diamond Rings, Jewelry Care