RSSCategory: Jewelry Guide

Choosing the Perfect Metal for a Long-lasting Ring

Choosing the Perfect Metal for a Long-lasting Ring

When picking a ring or any other piece of jewelry, many people spend too much time choosing the perfect stone for it. The choice of the metal is often left to the jeweler, or they will pick one that looks like it will compliment the stone. However, that’s not the way you should go about […]

Do You Really Know How to Buy Diamond Jewelry?

Do You Really Know How to Buy Diamond Jewelry?

You might feel like you are a jewelry aficionado by the time you get to buying diamond jewelry. Since diamond jewelry is rather expensive, you often have to work your way up with smaller pieces, or by saving more money. However, buying diamond jewelry is not as simple as picking a bracelet off a rack. […]

7 Untold Secrets of Shopping for an Engagement Ring

7 Untold Secrets of Shopping for an Engagement Ring

When it’s time to pop the question, most guys are more paranoid about the kind of ring they should get for their significant other than anything else. Jewelry just happens to be a girl’s domain so it is difficult and really stress-inducing for men to shop for the perfect engagement ring, one that matches the […]

A Working Gal’s Guide to Wearing Jewelry at Work

A Working Gal’s Guide to Wearing Jewelry at Work

Every woman needs a jewelry item she can wear on a daily basis. This can even be her go-to item or a tried and true piece, but there definitely has to be a piece of jewelry a woman can wear each day, if she’s so inclined. So, why should working gals be an exception? That’s […]

Tips to Consider when Buying an Engagement Ring

Tips to Consider when Buying an Engagement Ring

Buying an engagement ring definitely requires a little amount of work since there are so many varieties out there. Also, these varieties are not only in terms of the different stones that are available, but also the various shapes of the ring and stones, sizes, what metal to purchase, the preference of your better half, […]

Peridot Olivine, the Olive Green Gemstone

Peridot Olivine, the Olive Green Gemstone

Peridot in its pure form is really the mineral olivine, which is primarily composed of magnesium and iron as well as oxygen and silicon, and with manganese and nickel being sometimes present elements of the green peridot. When it the mineral is of gemstone quality, it is called peridot or chrysolite, having derived its name for […]

Choosing Jewelry to Match Your Wedding Colors

Choosing Jewelry to Match Your Wedding Colors

The tradition of wearing wedding bands is as old as time as is the tradition of adornments such as jewelry. While yellow gold makes up the bulk of wedding jewelry used by brides, there are many other precious metals which a bride can choose from. Finding ones that best compliment the dress, style, and feel […]

Peridot: The “Evening Emerald” and the August Birthstone

Peridot: The “Evening Emerald” and the August Birthstone

He maketh me to lie in green pastures. He leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul. In the beloved twenty-third Psalm of the Holy Bible, the serenity of verdant fields is invoked to show the goodness of the Lord. That same brilliant green that speaks of prosperity and peace is captured in a […]

Top Five Peridot Gemstone Jewelry Picks for August

Top Five Peridot Gemstone Jewelry Picks for August

It’s August again and time to pick our favorite peridot gemstone jewelry picks to showcase for the August birthstone. Our first selection is our top selling ring in the peridot and diamond rings category. Featured to the left is our 1.75 carat oval-cut peridot and diamond ring in 14k white gold set with a generous genuine oval-shaped 10mm […]

Jewelry Materials for Sensitive Skin

Jewelry Materials for Sensitive Skin

While many individuals who have to deal with sensitive skin already know that nickel, copper, and steel can cause irritation and should be avoided whenever possible, many are not as familiar with the metals that can be used in fine jewelry that do not cause such reactions. The truth is, there are many metals that […]