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Jewelry in the Bible

The Meaning of the Cross

What is the meaning of the gold cross? Spanning a thousand years, gold crosses continue to be sought after for their spiritual significance and eternal beauty.

Gold Symbolism in the Bible

Gold symbolism in the Bible: In scripture and throughout history generally, gold holds a lot of meaning, including wealth, beauty, and purity.

The Meaning of the Dove in Christian Jewelry

In the Christian faith, symbols are powerful representations of the teachings and beliefs of the religion. One of the most enduring symbols of Christianity is the dove, which has long been associated with the Holy Spirit. The dove’s symbolism dates back to biblical times, where it appears in several key stories throughout the Old and […]

“What God Hath Joined Together” Wedding Bands

When a man and a woman come together in holy matrimony, they make a covenant with each other and with God to love, honor, and cherish one another for the rest of their lives. The wedding band is a tangible symbol of this sacred bond, representing the unbreakable union between a husband and wife. One […]

Wedding Bands Engraved with “And They Shall Be Bible Verse

When a man and woman make the ultimate decision to join their lives together in holy matrimony, it is a profound and life-changing moment that should be celebrated and remembered for years to come. One way to commemorate this special occasion is with a solid gold wedding band that has the Bible verse, “And they […]

Is it Wrong for Christians to Wear a Cross?

Wearing a cross is a practice that has been part of Christianity for centuries. Some people argue that wearing a cross is wrong, while others view it as a sign of their faith. The truth is that the Bible doesn’t prohibit the wearing of a cross, and in fact, it can be an excellent way […]

Wield the Power of God’s Word with the Sword Cross Pendant

The Sword of the Spirit Cross Pendant is a symbol of unwavering faith, a beacon of hope in the face of adversity. It is a reminder of the strength that comes from relying on the truth of God’s Word and the power of the Gospel. Crafted with a masterful touch and available in a range […]

Heart Anchor Cross Meaning

What is the Meaning of the the heart, anchor, cross symbol in art and jewelry? The heart anchor cross is a Christian symbol signifying deep and meaningful spiritual truths, primarily pointing to the steadfast love of God in Christ Jesus for every Christian believer. Meaning of the Anchor, Cross, Heart At first glance, being that […]

Praying Hands Meaning

What is the Meaning of Praying Hands in jewelry and Christian art? There is little that is more ubiquitous to mankind than prayer. No matter how much atheists might try to deny it, the instinct of mankind is to reach out to something or someone higher, because as humans we are surrounded by vivid reminders […]

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