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Titanium Jewelry

Titanium jewelry, wedding bands, and rings.

All About Titanium Jewelry

Titanium Properties and Characteristics Titanium (Ti) is a silvery grey metal belonging to the periodic table’s Group 4 (IVb). Titanium is a high-strength,  lightweight, low-corrosion structural metal utilized for parts in high-speed aircraft in the form of alloys, which is why aircraft-grade titanium jewelry, such as titanium wedding bands, are extremely durable and strong but […]

Titanium Wedding Bands Made in the U.S.A

TITANIUM HAMMERED WEDDING BAND RING “For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.”—Stephanie Perkins Traditional gold wedding bands are fine, in fact, pretty nice. But titanium, now, that has the stuff of eternity, the stuff of dreams! This performance metal is used extensively in aerospace […]

What is the Difference Between Titanium and Platinum?

Two very popular metals used in making rings, particularly wedding and engagement rings, are titanium and platinum. Both are white metals that make lovely rings. Both can be shaped into intricate and detailed designs. But that’s pretty much where they cease being alike. Those aspects aside, the differences between the two become more apparent when […]

Why Titanium Wedding Bands May Be Your Best Choice

You’re a modern man (or woman) who likes the very best in your personal items, from your car to your clothing, to your household things. So why not your wedding ring as well? Enter titanium! Titanium is not only a beautiful metal to wear, it has properties that are unique as well. It is biocompatible […]

Christian Wedding Rings: God’s Blessing on Marriage

Jerusalem Cross Wedding Band, 14K Yellow Gold “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;” ~ Ephesians 5:25 This unique Celtic ring, made using Diamond Engraving technology, represents a blending of the Crusader’s Cross with the Tau, or Greek Cross. Its symbol was worn by the Knights […]

Hammered Wedding Bands: Strength and Resiliancy

5mm Satin Finish Titanium Hammered Wedding Band Ring “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear” ~ 1 John 4:18 Fear has no place in a love relationship, and perfect love casts fear far, far away. This high quality titanium hammered wedding band ring is the perfect symbol of a love […]

Colored Titanium: Strength and Beauty

High Polished Black Titanium Wedding Band Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. ~ Helen Keller A ring of character, this high quality titanium black wedding band is made with aircraft grade titanium for strength and crafted […]

Cross Rings: A Mark of Faith!

Women’s Diamond Cross Ring Mark 8:34 ~ And when he had called the people [unto him] with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. The lady who wears this special ring is a follower of Christ, who takes […]

Black Cross Rings: Pairing Modern Metals with Antique Finishes

The message of the cross is nothing new, but it never gets old! That’s why cross rings with black antiqued finishes are ideal ways to symbolize a faith that’s build on never-changing truth and an ever-present message of hope. Many of the black cross rings in Apples of Gold’s collection are crafted from cobalt. This […]

Valentine’s Day Jewelry Gifts for Guys

When you think of jewelry at Valentine’s Day, you probably think of a decidedly romantic piece with a look that’ unmistakably feminine. But, ladies aren’t the only ones who would appreciate a gift of jewelry on Valentine’s Day! A lot of guys would also like a piece of jewelry, and the options for gifts stretch […]

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