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Heart Wedding Rings to Represent the Greatest Love of All

Christmas is a celebration of the gift of love to all people: God sending His Son as a baby so that we could know true life. His love sets the example for all human love, and this is seen most clearly in the love between a husband and wife. Heart wedding rings are a lovely way to celebrate this love, as well as the gift we were given at Christmas—the gift that trumps all others.

In the famous love chapter, I Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul describes the true nature of pure love:

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Platinum Scrollwork Heart Wedding Band Ring

Love never fails …

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Love is truly the greatest gift, and sharing it with another person is a fitting way to celebrate this gift. The Platinum Scrollwork Heart Wedding Band Ring gorgeously represents the precious nature of the affection and commitment you share. An expertly-carved heart and scrollwork motif is repeated around this ring, forming an elegant picture of the endless nature of your love. The platinum from which it’s crafted serves as a symbol of a bond that’s a rare treasure. At 8mm, this ring is wide enough to be readily noticed, but it won’t overwhelm.

Purple Celtic Heart Love Knot Wedding Band RingIf you’re looking for a colorful way to celebrate love that’s strong, consider one of Apples of Gold’s titanium wedding bands that features a heart motif, such as the Purple Celtic Heart Love Knot Wedding Band Ring. This eye-catching piece combines a centuries-old knot with a modern performance metal to create a style that captures the fortitude of your commitment.

If you’d prefer a lighthearted contemporary style, consider the Eternal Heart Wedding Band Ring in 14K Two-Tone Gold. A ring of three-dimensional shining 14K white gold hearts, squeezed side by side, wraps around this band, providing unmistakable symbols of lasting love. Borders of polished 14K yellow gold provide contrast and class. This two-tone wedding band is just one of several in Apples of Gold’s collection that features hearts; it’s also available in a number of other metal combinations, allowing you to choose one that’s a perfect match.

Eternal Heart Wedding Band Ring in 14K Two-Tone GoldAny of these rings could readily communicate the love you share and serve as a reminder of the gift of love given at Christmas. The Christmas Carol “Love Came Down at Christmas” sums up this love well:

Love came down at Christmas,

Love all lovely, love divine;

Love was born at Christmas,

Star and angels gave the sign.

It’s because of the love that was given at Christmas that we can truly love one another.  Try one of these heart wedding bands to celebrate true love, the greatest gift of all.



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Wedding Bands, Wedding Jewelry, Wedding Rings