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Ichthus Fish Jewelry in Gold and Silver


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. ~ 1 Peter 1:3

In the early days of Christendom, followers of Christ Jesus, like all people in the Holy Land, spoke Greek. In that language, His name is rendered Iesous Christos, Jesus Christ. During the first century A.D., the Romans persecuted Christians and made it dangerous to meet together to worship God. It was during that time that the ichthus, the Greek word for fish, began to be used to identify believers.

Our solid 14k yellow gold pendant carries a lot of meaning with it, as Christians today still identify themselves by sporting the symbol. Many people prefer to wear the ichthus fish pendant instead of the cross, but both are beloved emblems that mark believers. At Apples of Gold, we have taken one of our gorgeous pieces from our collection of Ichthus Jewelry, Necklaces, Rings and Earrings and offer it to you as a fitting way to mark your devotion to Jesus Christ. Measuring ¾” tall by just under 5/16” wide, it will look stunning with most any chain, whether a new one from us or a beloved one you already own. The pendant is also available in a larger version measuring just under 1” tall and ⅜” wide. With Valentine’s Day coming up, consider this beautiful pendant for your loved one.


Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God. ~ Matthew 14:33

Although Romans, Greeks, and other pagans used a fish symbol before Christians, adopting it as a means of identifying those who knew Jesus was Theou, God’s Son, was a very smart thing to do. When meeting a stranger, a believer could casually draw one arc of the fish design in the dirt. If the other person was also a believer, he or she would draw the other arc, completing the shape and letting each other know that they were among brethren.

We’ve taken two symbols, the ichthus fish and the cross and combined them on this 14k yellow gold ring in a beautiful, simple design that reflects the simplicity of devotion to Christ. The ichthus measures 5/8″ (16mm) wide x 5/16″ (8mm) tall. You may prefer it in one of our other colors, as a Christian Ichthus Ring in 14K Rose Gold or even in 14k white gold!


For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: ~ Philippians 3:20

The fish symbol is used metaphorically in several places in the New Testament, too. Jesus fed a crowd of 5,000 with just 2 fishes and 5 loaves and called His disciples to fish for men. Immersion in water baptism correlated converts and fish as well. The well-known theologian from the second century, Tertullian, said, “We, little fishes, after the image of our Ichthys, Jesus Christ, are born in the water.”

These unusual earrings take a “different angle” on faith symbolism. From straight on, you see a contemporary cross, but from the side the ichthus is evident. Crafted in 14k gold, these earrings will delight you every time you wear them. They are part of our large collection of Cross Earrings; come see them all!


Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter

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