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Medical Alert Bracelets with Red Caduceus Symbol

Medical alert bracelets also go by the name medical ID bracelets. The primary purpose of this jewelry piece is to provide life-saving information to first responders in medical emergencies. There is important health information engraved on the medical alert bracelets, both on the front and back side of the jewelry piece.

First responders working in emergency departments know that it can often be difficult to communicate crucial details regarding a medical condition during a medical emergency. A patient could have a case of severe allergies, cardiac arrest, or something more serious. They may require specific medication or medical procedures but cannot properly communicate their symptoms. 

When patients are unable to communicate in such situations, the silver and gold medical alert bracelets deliver information on their behalf. As a result, medical alert bracelets, especially Caduceus jewelry, can be potentially life-saving. 

Medical Alert Bracelets

Although one never wishes for it, health problems can often sneak up on you unexpectedly. Hence, when such a medical emergency strikes, you will have an alternate way to communicate  with medical professionals, even  if you cannot say it. 

For people with the following medical problems especially, a medical alert bracelet or caduceus bracelets with the red caduceus symbol is an absolute must-have:

  • Autism
  • Asthma 
  • Dementia 
  • Epilepsy 
  • A severe case of allergies to certain medications or food items
  • Diabetes 
  • Heart conditions

You must note that this is not a definitive list of emergency medical conditions for which a medical alert bracelet is essential. As per several renowned medical experts, people on prescription drugs who suffer from a certain type of medical condition or have a severe allergy should wear medical ID jewelry, necklaces or bracelets. 

It is not uncommon for prescription drugs to often react to certain treatment protocols. Any unexpected reaction can occur during invasive procedures. In times like these, if medical responders are not aware of what medications a patient is on or what condition they’re suffering from, they could become vulnerable to life-threatening effects. 

If you don’t wear a medical alert bracelet while suffering from a chronic illness, the following outcomes can occur:

  • In the case of mental illness patients: miscommunication or lack of information for first responders could lead to mistakes and the involvement of law enforcement authorities
  • Unnecessary hospitalization 
  • What may be minor emergencies may increase in severity out of misleading information, misassumption, or lack of emergency medical information 
  • There could be a delay in the delivery of appropriate treatment 
  • Emergency responders could also potentially misdiagnose symptoms if they are unaware of your underlying health conditions.

Medical Bracelets with Red Caduceus Symbol 

A look at the Latin dictionary will tell you that “Caduceus” means “Herald.” A typical Caduceus jewelry items features the figure of two snakes, with their slithery bodies wrapping around the staff and the top featuring two wings. 

The caduceus symbol has been associated with the medical field for centuries. Today, you will popularly find medical bracelets with a red Caduceus symbol, with many designs featuring curb or Figaro link chains, among other styles.

These often come in a variety of precious metals options, such as solid gold, white gold or sterling silver. We don’t recommend cheap imitations due to longevity concerns. A medical alert necklace, for example, made with solid gold or sterling silver will retain its value and can be used for a lifetime with proper care. 

What’s important is to wear a medical ID necklace or bracelet or other form of jewelry with clear and legible engraving, which Apples of Gold Jewelry provides in all of our medical ID Jewelry items. In the case of an emergency, the first responders will recognize your condition, have the proper medical information at their disposal and act promptly.

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