How to Convert 10K, 14K, 18K Gold, Silver & Platinum Gram Weights
How much does the same jewelry weigh in 10k gold vs. 14k vs. 18k, etc.?
Here are some simple calculations to help you convert any metal to metal weights from gold to silver to platinum.
Gold Conversions
Convert 10K to 14K Gold
10K Gram Weight / 0.885
Convert 14K to 10K Gold
14K Gram Weight / 1.13
Convert 14K to 18K Gold
14K Gram Weight / 0.839
Convert 18K Gold to 14K Gold
18K Gram Weight / 1.192
Convert 10K Gold to Sterling Silver
10K Gram Weight / 0.111
Convert 14K Gold to Sterling Silver
14K Gram Weight / 1.257
Convert 18K Gold to Sterling Silver
18K Gold Gram Weight / 1.498
Sterling Silver Conversions
Convert Sterling Silver to 10K Gold
Silver Gram Weight / 0.899
Convert Sterling Silver to 14K Gold
Silver Gram Weight / 0.796
Convert Sterling Silver to 18K Gold
Silver Gram Weight / 0.668
Convert Sterling Silver to Platinum
Silver Gram Weight / 0.485
Platinum Conversions
Convert Gold to Platinum
10K Gram Weight / 0.539
14K Gram Weight / 0.609
18K Gram Weight / 0.726
Sterling Silver to Platinum
Silver Gram Weight / 0.485
Hope that helps!