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Wedding Bands for Men

Men’s Engagement Rings Defining Modern Commitment

Engagement rings for men are trending towards the most celebrated choices for those looking to declare their intentions in a profound way

5 Bible Verses To Seal Your Wedding Vows

When a man and a woman get married, it is for life. They share vows with one another as promises to keep and abide by throughout their entire marriage. We know that God created us to be as one flesh and to be fruitful and multiply, thus creating a family, all to honor and glorify […]

Unique Mens Wedding Bands

Wedding bands have come a long way from the traditional gold band. Not only are women’s rings getting more complex with each passing wedding season, but the selection of unique mens wedding bands offered today is enough to make a man’s head spin. Men want something special—and with all the different styles and metals available they can […]

Men’s Hammered Wedding Bands and Rings

BEVEL-EDGED HAMMERED WEDDING BAND, 14K WHITE GOLD A tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a lonely fellow, always hopeful of romance and adventure. ~ Charlie Chaplin Your wedding band is meant to last for a lifetime, so you want to be sure the ring you choose is solid and strong as well as good […]

Hammered Wedding Bands: Pounded Artistry

TITANIUM HAMMERED WEDDING BAND RING Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~ Lao Tzu A hammered finish on a piece of jewelry not only gives it an interesting, unique look, it hardens the metal as well. And the harder it is, the stronger. Of course, when […]

Wide Wedding Band Rings for Men and Women

10MM PLAIN WHITE GOLD WEDDING BAND RING “Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.” ~ Unknown Author Everyone has their own idea of what a perfect wedding would look like. Whether it is on a mountaintop with loved ones gathered around you or in a […]

10 Bible Verses About Marriage

Marriage is established by God and is mentioned as early as the book of Genesis in the Bible. So where better to turn than to the Bible to get advice and understanding about marriage? Featured Above: Bible Verse Cross Wedding Band Ring Here are 10 Bible verses about Marriage that will bless you and your […]

Why the Institution of Marriage is Not Dead

Marriage as an institution has in recent years come under severe attack as society attempts to redefine what constitutes a marriage to accommodate its sinful desires. Yet since society did not create marriage, it cannot change what it means to be married, however hard it tries. Featured above: Song of Solomon Cross Wedding Band Ring […]

Braided Platinum Wedding Bands: Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

PLATINUM WIDE BRAIDED WEDDING BAND RING For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. ~ Judy Garland Close your eyes and allow the gift of your beloved’s love to fill your heart and surround your soul. You are meant to […]

White Gold Braided Wedding Bands: Elegance Enhanced

14K WHITE GOLD WIDE BRAIDED WEDDING BAND Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. ~ Khalil Gibran Your dreams may have started out with just you, but in recent days, your dreams have grown to include each other. Now you can’t imagine exploring life or pursuing dreams without being together. […]

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