Wedding Bands for Men
Men’s Engagement Rings Defining Modern Commitment
Engagement rings for men are trending towards the most celebrated choices for those looking to declare their intentions in a profound way
Black Titanium Wedding Bands for Men
So much thought and attention goes into the making of a bride. There hundreds of publications and websites dedicated to the blushing bride, and rightfully so. Her accouterments like the veil, hairstyle, dress, shoes, etc, make for a big discussion. But let’s not leave out the other half of this dynamic couple: the groom. Now […]
Two Tone Wedding Bands for Men
The wedding ring is a statement of style for women, but men don’t have to sit out on the fun. A wedding band is a wonderful symbol of commitment and love that is steeped in tradition, but it is also a way for a groom to express his personal taste and style. The standard option […]
Gold Wedding Bands for Men
Most men are not big jewelry shoppers. If they are, it is often for gifts for their mother, grandmother, girlfriend, or wife. That being said, men usually buy jewelry for a woman and not for themselves. One common exception is the purchase of wedding bands. This all-important ring is one jewelry purchase that men can […]