RSSCategory: Gemstone Jewelry

Gemstone Engagement Rings, from Amethyst to Emerald to Tanzanite

Gemstone Engagement Rings, from Amethyst to Emerald to Tanzanite

Although diamonds are the most common stones to come to mind when it comes to engagement rings, they’re far from your only option. The unique properties present in each stone in’s rainbow of gemstone engagement rings allow you to make a unique statement about your relationship. Here’s a guide to aspects that define each […]

Gemstone and Diamond Rings: Amethyst to Tanzanite

Gemstone and Diamond Rings: Amethyst to Tanzanite

What happens when you combine the beauty of a richly hued gemstone with the timeless sparkle of a diamond in one dazzling ring? You get a piece that provides the ultimate in both sparkle and color, and Apples of Gold offers a rainbow of diamond and gemstone ring options for every taste. Each gem in […]

Pink Sapphire Jewelry, Earrings, & Rings

Pink Sapphire Jewelry, Earrings, & Rings

Fashion trends can quickly come and go, making what you’re wearing one day “in” and the next day “out.” Instead of just rushing with the crowd from trend to trend, exhausting yourself (and your budget), stick with a color that’s tried and true in the fashion world: pink. This gorgeous hue has graced the red […]

Gemstone Jewelry Guide: from Amethyst to Tanzanite

Gemstone Jewelry Guide: from Amethyst to Tanzanite

So many gemstones, so little time! With the rainbow of options that Apples of Gold offers, how do you know which to choose? Here’s the rundown on a number of gorgeous gems from amethyst to tanzanite: Amethyst The regal purple amethyst is a favorite of many women for its ability to make anyone feel like […]

Smokey Quartz Jewelry: A Perfect Pick for Fall

Smokey Quartz Jewelry: A Perfect Pick for Fall

Smokey quartz has an unusual brownish hue that lives up to its name: it really does look like it has been infused with smoke. At a time of year when we begin to think of bonfires and cuddling up with something more cozy after months of summer heat, this gemstone is a perfect pick for […]

Unique Green Amethyst Rings and Jewelry

Unique Green Amethyst Rings and Jewelry

Green probably isn’t the first color that comes to mind when you think of amethyst jewelry, but it shouldn’t be the last, either. Most of us are familiar with the regal purple variety of this gemstone, but violet isn’t the only kind of amethyst. When exposed to heat, this semi-precious stone can change color, resulting […]

Gemstone Engagement Rings as a Diamond Alternative

Gemstone Engagement Rings as a Diamond Alternative

Diamonds aren’t the only way to go when shopping for an engagement ring. Gemstone engagement rings infuse your statement of love with personality and allow you to make a statement that’s unique to your relationship. From the vibrant serenity of aquamarine to the fiery passion of a ruby to the regal beauty of an amethyst, […]

Silver Gemstone Rings: Making Gemstone Jewelry Affordable

Silver Gemstone Rings: Making Gemstone Jewelry Affordable

Think you can’t afford real gemstone jewelry? Don’t make any assumptions until you check out’s collection of sterling silver gemstone rings! These pieces provide an array of colors and styles at prices that just might allow you to try more than one. Related: Silver Gemstone Rings However, while these rings may save you money, […]

Diamond Alternative: White Topaz Engagement Rings

Diamond Alternative: White Topaz Engagement Rings

Looking for an affordable alternative to a diamond engagement ring or a unique twist that strays ever-so-slightly from tradition? Consider one of Apples of Gold’s beautiful white topaz engagement rings! Engagement rings with diamond alternatives like white topaz are particularly good choices for budget-conscious couples, and in today’s economy, an increasing number of brides and […]

September Birthstone: Sapphire Jewelry and Rings

September Birthstone: Sapphire Jewelry and Rings

September is a month when we savor the evening. The air takes on a hint of crispness and days that are beginning to shorten give way to glorious skies full of stars. No gemstone captures the unique beauty of this time of year quite like the sapphire, the September birthstone. Related: Blue Sapphire Jewelry, Sapphire […]