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Birthstone Jewelry

Birthstone jewelry provides a wealth of colorful ways to honor the birthday of someone you care about or simply to brighten up your own jewelry collection. Here s a quick overview of the 12 birthstones.

January - Garnet

Like a cardinal in the snow, the garnet January birthstone provides a welcome burst of red in a snowy month. This crimson semiprecious gem has been catching eyes for thousands of years.

July - Ruby

Another of the four classic precious gemstones, the ruby is bold and timeless. Its fire-like red dazzle makes it especially fitting birthstone jewelry for a notoriously scorching July month.

February - Amethyst

The amethyst has long been associated with royalty thanks to its vivid violet sparkle. This purple semiprecious gemstone is flattering to any skin tone, whether you are born in February or not!

August - Peridot

August Birthstone - PeridotThe August peridot displays vivid light green sparkle with just a hint of gold, giving it a personality that's full of life. It's ideal gemstone jewelry for days when it seems that summer will never end.

March - Aquamarine

With a cool, light blue sparkle that calls to mind the glitter of the sunlight on the waves, aquamarine is a refreshing birthstone jewelry gem that's perfect for March and the first days of spring.

September - Sapphire

The sapphire has a dark blue sparkle that's always glamorous as it captures the hue of an evening sky. It's one of the four classic precious gemstones; and, as a bonus, it's also quite hard, making it a pick with lasting beauty for September women!

April - Diamond

No gemstone is more versatile, more durable or more loved than the diamond. As birthstone jewelry for April, its colorless dazzle is a celebration of light and longer days.

October - Opal

Unlike most birthstones, the opal shimmers rather than sparkles. Its multi-hued iridescent beauty makes it a lovely pick for the month of October when the trees explode with color.

May - Emerald

For many, May is the month when the world finally comes to life again, making the saturated green hue of the emerald birthstone particularly fitting. One of the four classic precious gemstones, it is always elegant.

November - Citrine

The sunny yellow sparkle of citrine is especially welcome in the month of November when the sunshine becomes scarce. This semiprecious stone seems to overflow with warmth.

June - Pearl

The birthstone jewelry of June, the pearl, is unique among birthstones: rather than being mined in the earth, it is produced by an oyster. Available a number of varieties, the pearl never fails to emulate class.

December - Tanzanite

The newcomer to the list of birthstone jewelry, tanzanite stands out in December for its unique hue. With an intriguing bluish-violet sparkle it's a truly stunning stone.

Whether you choose a gem that celebrates a specific birth month or simply choose a piece based on your taste, the vivid colors of birthstone jewelry make these pieces gorgeous options.

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