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Jewelry History

Sacred Symbols: The Meaning Behind Gold Crucifix Jewelry

Since Christianity's inception, the Cross has stood as a lighthouse of faith, guiding our strength and belief. Each gold crucifix goes beyond mere adornment.

Heart Anchor Cross Meaning

What is the Meaning of the the heart, anchor, cross symbol in art and jewelry? The heart anchor cross is a Christian symbol signifying deep and meaningful spiritual truths, primarily pointing to the steadfast love of God in Christ Jesus for every Christian believer. Meaning of the Anchor, Cross, Heart At first glance, being that […]

All About the Ladybug

The ladybug family is often known as lady beetles or ladybird beetles. Ladybugs are many insects’ natural adversaries, especially aphids and other sap-feeding insects. In its lifetime, a single lady beetle may consume up to 5,000 aphids. In the US, there are numerous species of ladybugs, and they are widespread in most natural habitats. It’s […]

History of the Cross in Jewelry

There is not a more iconic symbol of Christianity than the cross. The cross is the great touchstone of the Christian faith; without it and the subsequent resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no Christian faith. A cross was required for the Savior to bear the curse of our sin in order for […]

Praying Hands Meaning

What is the Meaning of Praying Hands in jewelry and Christian art? There is little that is more ubiquitous to mankind than prayer. No matter how much atheists might try to deny it, the instinct of mankind is to reach out to something or someone higher, because as humans we are surrounded by vivid reminders […]

History of U.S. Military Dog Tag Necklaces

The military dog tag has a fascinating history, and was created by military people themselves due to requirement. Due to many losses from the several conflicts during the American Civil War (1861–1865), it was difficult to identify the dead soldiers. Improper record keeping of individuals assigned to and participating in combat as regulars or volunteers […]

Ichthus Fish Meaning

From the earliest days of Christianity, the ichthus fish has been a prominent symbol of the faith. From graffiti etched into Roman catacombs in the 2nd century to bumper stickers in the 21st, it has been one of the most recognizable symbols demonstrating one’s affirmation of Christianity. But why?  First, the word “fish” in Greek […]

Meaning of the Cross

What is the meaning of the cross? This is a topic that could take up the entirety of whole libraries and volumes of books. Arguably, the entire Bible is devoted to this topic. History of the Cross Usually, when people state that they are examining the meaning of the cross, they mean that they are […]

The Bald Eagle: An American Symbol

As Americans celebrate national, patriotic holidays such as the Fourth of July and recall the liberties and privileges for which our country’s ancestors so bravely fought, we are reminded of our nation’s iconic symbols, such as the American bald eagle. Americans from every State commemorate this natural species on June 20, which is recognized as […]

History of the Pledge of Allegiance

Although the Pledge of Allegiance has been recited in the United States for more than 100 years, the current version’s 31 words are notably different from the original, which was the first verbal pledge to the American flag, popularized in 1885 by Civil War Veteran, Colonel George T. Balch. Balch’s Pledge of Allegiance Civil War […]

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