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Jewelry History

Sacred Symbols: The Meaning Behind Gold Crucifix Jewelry

Since Christianity's inception, the Cross has stood as a lighthouse of faith, guiding our strength and belief. Each gold crucifix goes beyond mere adornment.

February Birthstone–The Amethyst

The Gem. A member of the quartz family, amethyst has captured eyes since ancient times. Ranging in color from a delicate, nearly colorless violet to deep, rich purple, the amethyst stone crowns the month of February as the official birthstone. The amethyst obtains its color from the presence of iron in its natural environment—this element […]

January Birthstone: The Garnet

Known for its deep, rich red, the garnet is a favorite among the family of gemstones and the official birthstone of the month of January. From garnet beads to pendants to solitaire earrings, there is a garnet gift to suit every January birthday on your list. Garnet takes its name from the Latin word, granum, […]

December Birthstones: The Blue Topaz

When it comes to birthstones, no other month is quite like December. The twelfth month boasts no less than four official birthstones! Stay with us this month as we profile each of December’s dazzling stones and suggest some of our favorite items to help you celebrate those special December birthdays. We look first at the […]

November Birthstone–Citrine

Citrine? “What’s that?” You say. Isn’t November’s birthstone the topaz? Though people often referred to this yellow gemstone as the yellow or gold topaz, its proper name is citrine. Topaz is a misnomer—the citrine stone is actually a member of the quartz family and gets its sunshine hue from iron in the silicon dioxide that […]

October 31 Is…Reformation Day!

When we think of October 31, Halloween is probably the first thing that comes to mind. Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, October 31 is a day in the Christian calendar that should not be fully eclipsed by costumes and candy. October 31, 1517 is the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the […]

October Birthstones: Opal & Pink Tourmaline

The leaves are changing and the temperatures are starting to drop. The days are getting a little shorter and that means it’s time to celebrate those special October birthdays. Birthstone jewelry is the clear choice when you want to give a traditional, personalized gift. Like many of the months in the calendar year, October has […]

September Birthstone: The Sapphire

“Blue stone.” This is what its name means in Greek, and that’s the image we immediately associate with the word “sapphire.” Part of a group of stones known by the name “corundrum,” the sapphire is a favorite among colored gemstones. Sky-like, the blue shades of sapphire range from light and icy to deep and dark. […]

August Birthstone: Peridot

When most people think of green stones, they naturally picture the emerald. But peridot, unique in it’s olive green hue, is distinct from the emerald, and the jewel that crowns the month of August. Originally discovered in Egypt, peridot has been a beloved gemstone since the days of the Romans. Thanks to them, this greenish-gold […]

July Birthstone: The Ruby

Jesus Christ came into my prison cell last night, and every stone flashed like a ruby. Samuel Rutherford When it comes to colored gemstones, ruby reigns supreme. Known as the “King of Gemstones,” it’s hard not to come under the rule of ruby’s fiery red color. Ruby takes its name from the Latin word for […]

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