Jewelry History
Sacred Symbols: The Meaning Behind Gold Crucifix Jewelry
Since Christianity's inception, the Cross has stood as a lighthouse of faith, guiding our strength and belief. Each gold crucifix goes beyond mere adornment.
June Alternative Birthstone: Pearl
Interestingly, the lustrous pearl is the alternative June birthstone, not the traditional June birthstone. Yet, most people think of the pearl as the June birthstone simply because the traditional gem for June babies is a scarce, obscure one – Alexandrite. Alexandrite is a young gemstone, and was only discovered in the mid 1800s. The Alexandrite […]
May Birthstone: Emerald
Sparkling green emeralds are the birthstone for the month of May. Coveted and celebrated since the ancient world, this precious gemstone was once more valuable and sought after than diamonds. They have held their allure throughout the centuries, and even today are one of the most highly prized and expensive precious gemstones. If you or […]
April Birthstone: Diamond
Lucky April babies can claim the coveted diamond as their birthstone – much to the chagrin of loved ones trying to buy birthday jewelry on a budget. The in-demand diamond gemstone has been sought after for centuries by mankind thanks to its beauty, sparkle and hardness which, interestingly, are the same reasons the gem is […]
Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend, And The Birthstone For April!
For centuries, diamonds have been one of the most popular and highly sought-after gemstones in the world. Originally only worn by royalty and the aristocracy, diamonds are now popular with men and women from all walks of life world wide. Why Are Diamonds April’s Birth Stone? The history of using gemstones to represent the months […]
Tantalizing Tanzanite
For many years, when people thought about precious gemstones, four stones would come to mind: diamond, sapphire, ruby and emerald. More recently, a fifth gemstone has been added to the list of precious gemstones. Tanzanite, discovered in 1967, is a beautiful gemstone that ranges in color from a light mauve to a deep, bluish-purple, and […]
March Birthstone: Aquamarine
The birthstone shared by dreamy Pisces and fiery Aries alike, Aquamarine is an irresistible blue gem that exudes a spirited, playful vibe. For jewelry lovers born in the month of March, the light blue Aquamarine birthstone is an incredibly versatile birthstone due to its nearly-neutral hue that goes with everything. Though aquamarine is mostly paired […]
February Birthstone: Amethyst
Alluring amethyst is the February birthstone, as well as the zodiac gemstone for those born under the Pisces sign. Women born in the month of February enjoy the plum luck of having one of the most beautiful as well as fairly affordable of the birthstones, making amethyst jewelry a perfect pick for Valentine’s Day babies […]
January Birthstone: Garnet
Richly hued in deep crimson, garnet is the much-coveted January birthstone. The color of love, blood, passion and power, garnet is a statement-making gem. Feisty January babies are the lucky wearers of garnet jewelry, although women born during the other 11 months have also been known to find garnet’s lovely allure irresistible. Read on for […]
December Birthstone: Blue Topaz
November isn’t the only month to have multiple birthstones – December is also a two stone month that features both turquoise and blue topaz. Turquoise is one of the most unique looking semi-precious stones, but does not lend itself well to use in certain types of jewelry. Because of this, blue topaz is the preferred […]