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Jewelry History

Sacred Symbols: The Meaning Behind Gold Crucifix Jewelry

Since Christianity's inception, the Cross has stood as a lighthouse of faith, guiding our strength and belief. Each gold crucifix goes beyond mere adornment.

November Birthstone: Citrine

Warm, rich and beautiful, citrine is the gemstone that lucky November birthdays get to claim as their birthstone.  Citrine is an undeniably stunning gem, made all the more popular in recent years thanks to the fashion world’s focus on the color yellow.  Citrine ranges in hue from softly sunny all the way to  rich marigold, […]

Alternative October Birthstone

Technically, the official October birthstone is opal. Unfortunately, many women are not the biggest fans of the opal gemstone. Since it is a soft gemstone, it is delicate, porous and cannot withstand high heat or heavy wear (it scratches easily).  The porous composition of an opal gemstone also means that the wearer needs to be […]

What Is Morganite?

Romantic, feminine and enchanting, Morganite is a gemstone that has captured the hearts of many jewelry lovers. With more sparkle than the better-known amethyst and hues that range from a light pink to soft lavender, Morganite is the perfect gemstone for fans of pink and purple.  But what exactly is Morganite? Composition of Morganite Sometimes […]

Antiqued Celtic Wedding Bands

The intricate knots, whorls and endless patterns of Celtic jewelry have been coveted by jewelry lovers for thousands of years. The Celts were fine craftsman who worked with silver and gold, and their detailed jewelry designs spread far and wide during their reign in Europe through trade. Interestingly, although the Celts became famous for their […]

September Birthstone: Sapphire

The September birthstone is sapphire, the lovely and sparkling deep blue precious gem.  Composed of the mineral corundum, sapphires interestingly come in a rainbow of colors aside from their favored blue hue, including yellow, pink, purple, green, black and white.  The most desirable color for sapphires is a beautiful deep shade, although almost all sapphire […]

How Pearls Are Made

Pearls are unlike any other gemstone. While diamonds, sapphires, rubies and other stones hail from the earth, pearls are the only gemstone created by a living organism.  Since every pearl is created by an oyster or mussel, each gem is one of a kind that can never be replicated. How Pearls Are Made: Nucleation Though […]

August Birthstone: Peridot

Peridot, the sparkling green gem that has captivated jewelry lovers for centuries, is the official birthstone for the month of August. Though peridot is often confused with emerald, the August birthstone is a lighter ‘aloe green’ hue than the deep, rich color of emeralds. It’s a bright, vibrant green that is loved by more than […]

Ruby: July Birthstone

Rubies are among the most spectacular of gemstones. Their fire, brilliance and sparkle have made them one of the most popular gems throughout the course of history, and even today they retain their spot as a coveted and valuable precious stone. In the Bible, rubies were one of the most precious gems of the time. […]

June Birthstone – Pearl Jewelry

The lovely pearl is the June birthstone, as well as the astral stone for Gemini and Cancer. The illustrious gem has a long and storied history, and is the oldest known gemstone to be used in jewelry. Though no one knows when oysters first began forming pearls, the first known use of the pearl in […]

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