Jewelry History
Sacred Symbols: The Meaning Behind Gold Crucifix Jewelry
Since Christianity's inception, the Cross has stood as a lighthouse of faith, guiding our strength and belief. Each gold crucifix goes beyond mere adornment.
May Birthstone: The Emerald
After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” At once I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne stood in heaven, […]
April Birthstone: The Diamond
A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, But diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Leo Robin There is no shortage of legend and lore attached to this queen of gemstones—the diamond—and no shortage of ink spilled describing its charm and beauty. From time eternal the diamond has been a universal symbol of purity, […]
March Birthstone: Aquamarine
We love this gemstone for its captivating color and versatility, but aquamarine also has great Biblical, historical and mythical significance. Aquamarine comes from the gemstone family of beryl. Beryl is a naturally colorless stone but minerals and impurities that have mixed with the stone during the process of its formation produce a variety of different […]
February Birthstone: Amethyst
Behold, the striking purple shade of the February stone—the amethyst. Valued for its exquisite color and feminine appeal, amethyst has an interesting story—read on to learn more about this sought-after stone. The Story Behind the Shade Why is amethyst purple? Though scientists show that amethyst is a quartz stone that takes on a distinctive violet […]
December Birthstone Jewelry: Blue Topaz
Gorgeous blue topaz is the December birthstone. The blue topaz comes in an array of wintery blue hues that range from light turquoise to deep sapphire (as with the London blue topaz). Few birthstones have such a wide range of universally-loved hues as the blue topaz, making it a favorite gemstone to many. December Birthstone […]
November Birthstone: Citrine and Yellow Topaz
Though yellow topaz is the official November birthstone, citrine is the commonly accepted alternate stone – and for good reason. With its sunny color that looks stunning paired with gold, as well as its relative affordability, citrine makes a beautiful November birthstone. Like the turning Fall leaves, the honey-yellow hues are the last warm colors […]
October Birthstones: Opal and Pink Tourmaline
The October birthstone, the opal, is much like the month it belongs to: quiet and subdued, with streaks of brilliance that dance with fiery Fall colors. The opal is certainly one of the most interesting looking gems, which makes it perfect for October babies who have an eye for the unique. For October born ladies […]
September Birthstone: Sapphire
Just as the heat and dazzle of summer gives way to the cooling of fall, so does September’s sapphire bring a change of pace from the fiery ruby of July and the chartreuse peridot of August. With its soothing watery depths, September’s birthstone is one of the most universally beloved gemstones. Sapphire Myth and History […]
August Birthstone: Peridot
Lucky August-born babies have the dazzling peridot as their birthstone. The sparkling chartreuse gemstone is popular thanks to its unique color that flatters every skin tone. And for women with green or hazel peepers, the pretty August birthstone even enhances their eye color – a feat that few gemstones can boast. Peridot History and Myth […]