Jewelry History
Sacred Symbols: The Meaning Behind Gold Crucifix Jewelry
Since Christianity's inception, the Cross has stood as a lighthouse of faith, guiding our strength and belief. Each gold crucifix goes beyond mere adornment.
The Origin of the Ring
Many stories, legends, and myths speak of the existence of the ring in ancient societies, which date back to as far as the Babylonians. Yet, there is no conclusive and direct information on how ancient peoples first started to wear rings and why. The only physical evidence left by those who fancied this jewelry was […]
Why A Diamond is Forever
In 1947, a marketing staff for DeBeers coined the phrase “A Diamond is Forever” and it went on to become the best advertising slogan of the 20th century. The message it conveyed could not have been as effective if it referred to something less deserving of the title; the phrase flourished and made its mark […]
Origin of the Pearl
“This pearl has become my soul. . . . If I give it up, I shall lose my soul.” And such was the pronouncement inspired by the Pearl, in John Steinbeck’s 1947 novel of the same title. No other kind of gem or jewelry in history has inspired unfailing desire and to this extent, whether […]
March Birthstone: Aquamarine, “Sea Water”
The Aquamarine is one of the most treasured stones today for its hardness and resistance to elements. It is also considered the ‘poor man’s diamond’–while it is a hard mineral, it is abundantly mined since the 19th century in Brazil & Africa, and therefore, more affordable than diamonds. There is much lore attributed to the […]
Valentine’s Day: The Roman Festival of Lupercalia?
No matter what critics say about the rampant commercialism of the occasion, Valentine’s sales from greeting cards, flowers, jewelry, and chocolates go up every year. In 2004 alone, about one billion cards are sent all over the world; a third of the seven billion pounds of candy/chocolates consumed that year was sold on Valentine’s day; […]
Origin of the Paisley Wedding Band
The paisley pattern is prevalent in design, fine jewelry, wedding rings, art, chic furniture, tableware, and is a fashionable wedding motif. But it is so much more than that. Resembling a twisted tear-drop, kidney shape, or elongated comma, the paisley design is of Persian and Indian origin, but the modern name, “paisley” is of Scottish […]
February Birthstone: The Gift of Amethyst
Next to the holiday season, February may be the second most exciting month in the calendar because of the worldwide celebration of Valentine’s Day. Couples especially look forward to celebrate the day with romantic dinner dates and meaningful gifts. February is also the perfect time to give the gift of Amethyst. Amethyst is the birthstone […]
Sweat of the Sun – Properties of Gold
From Mythology to the Economic Standard The Incas called gold the “sweat of the sun”; the Pharaohs insisted on being buried in what they referred to as the “flesh of the gods”; and Isaac Newton established gold as the benchmark of a new global economy. Sir Isaac Newton, England’s Master of the Mint, first standardized […]
The Celtic Secret
It seems improbable to believe that this timeless, enduring, popular jewelry design called Celtic originated from the people the ancient Greeks then referred to as the ‘barbarians’. Of course, the Greeks eventually gave them a proper name and came up with “Keltoi”: roughly translated it meant “Barbarian people to the North of Greece”. Simply put, […]